Navigation and service of the Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank

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Treasury Contacts

TreasuryYour contact

Stefan Goebel

Head of Treasury

+49 69-2107-269

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Annette Schöneich


+49 69-2107-322

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454


The treasury department is responsible for all aspects of liquidity management and interest-rate risk management. It is also responsible for the purchase of assets under the general lending window to banks.

The bank raises funding in the inter-bank markets and via various issuing programmes as well as via loans

FundingYour Contact

Leopold Olma

Head of Funding

+49 69-2107-225

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Holger Koncewicz


+49 69-2107-205

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Manuel Moreno Medina


+49 69-2107-744

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Ivan Tsvetkov


+49 69-2107-212

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Asset BusinessYour contact

Thorsten Urban

Head of Asset Business 

+49 69-2107-255

Thomas Christ

Asset Business 

+49 69-2107-234

Florian Friedel

Asset Business 

+49 69-2107-282

André Prietzel

Asset Business 

+49 69-2107-559

Money MarketsYour contact

Margit Engelmann

Head of Money Markets

+49 69-2107-232

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Paulina Larecka

 Money Markets

+49 69-2107-281

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454

Harald Mutschmann

 Money Markets

+49 69-2107-441

Fax: +49 69-2107-6454