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Dinner Reception with Prof Roman Beck and Rentenbank

We have pleasure in inviting you to a

Dinner Reception with Prof Roman Beck and Rentenbank,
to be held on 26 September 2019.

  • Time: 6 pm
  • Venue: The Farmers Suite, The Farmers Club (3 Whitehall Court, London, SW1A 2EL)
  • Dress code: business formal

We look forward to seeing you in London.

Please let us know if you can attend:

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Rentenbank respects the principle of data processing for a specific purpose and collects, uses and saves your data only for the purposes for which it was submitted. We require your personal data in order to organize our event.

Information on data protection*

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect at the end of May 2018. We are obliged to and would like to record your general agreement so that we are able to keep sending you invitations to Rentenbank events as well as information about our activities. You can consent to receiving invitations and information from us below. You can revoke your consent at any time. We will then delete you from our mailing list.

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Your Contact

Annette Schöneich

Annette Schöneich

Assistant Treasury


Fax: 069-2107-6454