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Capital Markets Event 2018

Dear Business Partner,

we would like to thank you for the continued good business relationship and take pleasure in inviting you to

Rentenbank’s Capital Markets Event
on Friday, August 31st, 2018

at the Flick Winery near Flörsheim-Wicker. Here we will spend the day together in a relaxing atmosphere.

12.30 pm Departure by bus from Rentenbank
11.30 am Departure by e-bikes from Rentenbank along the River Main

Flick Winery near Flörsheim-Wicker

Dress code:
smart casual


We look forward to seeing you all in August.

Please let us know if you can attend:

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

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Rentenbank adheres to the principle of data processing for a specific purpose and collects, uses, and stores data only for the purposes for which they were transmitted. We need your personal data to process your registration.

Information on data protection*

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be implemented in May 2018. We are required to and would like to document your general consent in order to continue to send you invitations to Rentenbank’s events and information about Rentenbank’s activities. If you wish to continue receiving invitations and information from us, you can give your consent below. You can revoke your consent at any time. We will then remove you from our mailing list.

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