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Find out about the current Rentenbank’s Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board

Nahaufnahme des Gebäudes, in dem die Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank sitzt.

Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board controls the business management of the Executive Board of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. Its composition, duties and responsibilities are set out in the Law on Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank and the Statutes of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank.


Joachim Rukwied
President of the German Farmers' Association

Deputy Chairman:

Cem Özdemir
Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture

Representatives of the German Farmers' Association:

Dr. Holger Hennies
President of the Farmers' Association of Lower Saxony

Torsten Krawczyk
President of the Farmers' Association of Saxony

Bernhard Krüsken
Secretary-General of the German Farmers' Association

Karsten Schmal
President of the Farmers' Association of Hesse

Susanne Schulze Bockeloh
Vice President of the German Farmers' Association

Representative of the German Raiffeisen Federation:

Franz-Josef Holzenkamp
President of the German Raiffeisen Federation

Representative of the Food Industry:

Rainer Schuler
President of the Agricultural Trade – Federal Association of Agricultural Trade and Association of Grain Traders of the Hamburg Stock Exchange

Ministers of Agriculture of the Federal States:

Michaela Kaniber
Minister of State for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism

Jan Fries
State Councillor in the Senate for the Environment, Climate Protection and Science of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Sven Schulze
Minister for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Agriculture and Forestry of Saxony-Anhalt

Representative of the Trade Unions:

Harald Schaum
Deputy Federal Chairman of the Industrial Union for Construction, Agriculture and the Environment

Representative of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture:

Silvia Bender
State Secretary

Representative of the Federal Ministry of Finance:

Dr. Marcus Pleyer
Head of Section

Representatives of credit institutions or other credit experts:

Dr. Frank Czichowski
Member of the Supervisory Board of Commerzbank AG

Stefanie Münz
Member of the Management Board of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg

Dr. Caroline Toffel
Member of the Management Board of Berliner Volksbank eG